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Moving Tips for First-Time Homebuyers

You finally found it. After a lengthy search and negotiations, talking with realtors, and figuring out your finances, your dream home is yours at last. With the paperwork settled, the focus switches to moving from your current space to what will become your new household.

There are so many things to think about when it comes to uprooting your life, especially if you are owning a house for the first time. However, there are a few items to keep in mind when figuring out the big move.

Asking for Help

Moving is by no means an easy thing to do, so don’t think you have to do it alone. Beyond your household, reach out to family members, friends, co-workers, and even your soon-to-be former neighbors for a helping hand in the process.

It is important to take an assessment of just what needs to make the move with you to your new home. Moving really becomes the time that one takes an actual inventory of what they have in their household. Be sure to map out a plan of how you will transfer items from each room to that same room in the new house. It is best to consider larger furniture first when figuring out the adjustment, like couches and mattresses.

It is best to get your important documents set aside well for the day of the big move so that you have easy access to them if need be. This includes a contract with your moving company or storage facility, as well as insurance information, and any other personal information that may be of necessity to help install or uninstall any services, like electric, cable, or even your bottled water dispenser delivery service.

Having a Backup Plan

As organized as you can be and as eventful as moving can be, hiccups can happen. It is important to have a backup plan in place in the event of any major cogs in the system failing. For example, if you have hired a moving company and you find out they are no longer able to accommodate you on the date of the move, don’t go scrounging for whatever is available. Do your research before booking the first crew, so you have viable options with great experience and excellent customer service to replace them.

The same goes for storage facilities in the event that one cannot accommodate the amount of stuff you as renters are storing away temporarily or long-term. For example, Hillsboro storage units provide proper customer service at a moment’s notice to meet just about any storage need at a rental rate that is viable for any first-time homeowners in need of the extra space. Climate control and easy access are kept paramount, with outdoor parking spaces for easy loading and unloading from these storage units.

This includes storage options for larger items beyond that big couch that you have no place for. This can even be for vehicle storage and possible business storage for side projects that you may not be able to undertake in your new home just yet.

Saying Goodbye to Your Old Place

Moving day is approaching and you want to make sure you’re soon to be former home is in tip-top shape. Be sure to take on any additional cleaning, as you pack all of your stuff away to be placed in the moving truck. Making simple touch-ups aesthetically throughout the house and grabbing a bottle of cleaner makes for a good look, especially if you are still looking to sell this home.

Be sure to check the plumbing for any blockages both outside and inside the house. If you are doing any home cooking in the days leading up to the move, make sure you properly dispose of any excess food, including any recycling and how to dispose of used cooking oil. Used cooking oil, for example, can actually be recycled and turned into biodiesel or other forms of biofuel. Of course, prior to the sale of that home, there will be an inspection of the unit, but it is in your best interest to make it look as presentable as possible by the time you vacate.

As for the big move itself, make sure to carry out your checklist of any items that could down to the final moments before the last box is taped, and the loading out begins. Be sure to have boxes specifically labeled with where they are heading in your new house. Prioritize certain boxes to be loaded in the truck last to be brought out first as you gradually settle into the new house.

Moving In

We mentioned earlier having your specific documents on hand when you make your move into your new place, but there are plenty of other items to prioritize on moving day. Be sure to have a ‘survival kit’ of sorts ready with toiletries, bedding, bottled water, and some clothes, especially if you are doing a long-distance move where some boxes may not be arriving at the new house when you do.

Keep your movers apprised of the inventory list you have taken, and provide them with any contact information and directions as needed to help things flow as best as they can during the load-in to your new place. Upon arrival to the house, you can even tape names to doors to assist movers as to where boxes are heading.

As we suggested when packing up your old house, be sure to ask for help in moving in. Your family and friends, who have been in your old household, will have a good idea of where things are intended to be placed to match your previous decor. This will make for a durable structure along with a moving crew to get you settled in a little bit faster. If you have access to a moving truck or are using a crew, be sure to designate any furniture or goods that are being taken to a storage facility, a landfill, or given over to a charitable organization.

It will take some time to settle into your new house, so do not feel stress if the process is not completed on moving day. You will eventually get adjusted to the new space, and soon be able to fully enjoy your new home sweet home.

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