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Moving on After a Traumatic Event

Traumatic events are events that cause a significant amount of stress. You may have suffered a traumatic event if you’re the victim of medical malpractice, a car accident, or a crime.

People who experience traumatic events may feel hopeless or may suffer severe physical injuries. Traumatic events can also cause mental health issues. Whether you’ve sustained a short-term disability or are permanently disabled following a traumatic event, there are some steps you can take to move forward with your life after the event.

Hire a lawyer.

Traumatic events often involve physical injuries or mental health issues that require diagnosis and treatment from qualified medical professionals. Medical care can be expensive, and if you’re the victim of medical malpractice, medical care may have caused your trauma.

Determine what type of case applies to you. For example, if your infant sustained a birth injury, you may hire a medical malpractice attorney to file a lawsuit against the negligent medical professionals. Common birth injuries caused by medical errors include traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), Brachial palsy, cerebral palsy, and spinal cord injuries. An infant who suffers a spinal cord injury may be paralyzed and need to use a wheelchair for the rest of their life. Victims of birth injuries may need long-term medical care, including treatment from specialists, such as physical therapists. Pursing a medical malpractice case can ensure you receive fair compensation for your child’s birth injury and have the resources you need to pay for the medical care required.

There are approximately six million car accidents in the United States each year, causing millions of short-term injuries and permanent disabilities. Personal injury attorneys specialize in representing people injured in accidents. Whether you’ve been injured in an auto accident, during a recreational activity, or at work, a personal injury attorney will fight to ensure you receive fair compensation for your injuries. They can also pursue compensation for pain and suffering to address the trauma caused by your accident. Compensation for your health care will also include the cost of seeing a counselor or therapist who can help you process your trauma after your accident. Personal injury lawyers usually offer potential clients a free consultation, which means you can discuss your potential case with an attorney before deciding to pursue a lawsuit.

There is a statute of limitations for pursuing legal cases for medical malpractice or personal injuries. Suppose you or a family member has experienced physical injuries due to a traumatic event. In that case, the important thing to remember is that your attorney is your advocate and will represent your interests to ensure you reach a settlement or win your lawsuit.

Get appropriate medical treatment.

Seek medical care from qualified medical professionals. You should also see specialists who can provide a comprehensive evaluation of your condition and develop an appropriate treatment plan. If you’re affected by neck pain following a spinal cord injury, neck surgery or spine surgery may help alleviate your pain. Be sure to discuss your options for treatment. If you decide to get neck surgery, review the cervical neck surgery recovery guide to ensure you take appropriate steps to expedite the healing process.

Your medical treatment may include seeing a counselor or psychologist to address mental health issues stemming from the traumatic event. It’s common for people who’ve experienced traumatic events to be affected by anxiety, stress, insomnia, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Being in a severe car accident makes it difficult for people to ride in vehicles or drive following their accident. PTSD can also be triggered by returning to the place where the accident occurred. A mental health professional can diagnose your condition, develop a treatment plan, and develop strategies to help you cope with your condition.

Make lifestyle adjustments.

Even with the best medical care possible, you may have to learn to live with a disability following a traumatic event. You may need to relocate if you’ve sustained a disability that requires you to use a wheelchair. You may also need to hire a caregiver to perform routine tasks you’re not capable of completing.

Living with a disability can be challenging, but appropriate lifestyle adjustments may help you regain your independence. One of the best ways to move on from a traumatic event is to make plans. Whether you plan to move to a new home or pursue a new career, the lifestyle adjustments you make can help alleviate frustration, eliminate triggers that remind you of the traumatic event, and help you feel hopeful about your future.

Traumatic events can cause severe physical and mental health issues. You can move forward from a traumatic event by hiring an attorney to protect your legal rights, getting medical treatment, and adjusting your lifestyle to suit your needs.

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